9-10 OCTOBER 2024
Stakeholders from the maritime, financial, recycling and steel sectors as well as policy makers will provide inspiring keynote sessions, thought-provoking presentations and interactive panel discussions.

Director Regulatory Affairs at Hapag-Lloyd AG

General Manager – Decommissioning Projects at Petrobras

Climate and Blue Finance Consultant at International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Decommissioning Manager at International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)
Captain Wolfram Guntermann graduated with his Masters Licence at the Marine Polytechnic Elfleth/Germany in combination with a scholarship at the Plymouth Polytechnic of Marine Science. He also received his Engineers Licence at the Hamburg Polytechnic in order to serve as Ship Operation Officer holding a dual licence. After having set his feet for the first time on deck a vessel in 1979 he went through the ranks receiving his first command as Master in 1996. He also took various assignments ashore as Trio Tonnage Center London and Director Marine Operations in the Hapag-Lloyd America Office in Piscataway/New Jersey for almost nine years. After repatriation to the Hamburg based Headquarters the current function as Director Regulatory Affairs was taken with a lot of challenging opportunities emerging in light of new environmental legislation and initiatives.
Carlos is a Civil Engineer from PUC-GO, an Electrical Engineer and Specialist in Management and Project Management from UFG-GO, and a Petroleum Engineer at Petrobras since 2003. He has worked in the areas of onshore field production in São Mateus-ES and in the development of offshore fields, including the construction, maintenance, evaluation, and abandonment of Pre-Salt and Post-Salt wells in the Espírito Santo (ES) and Santos (BS) basins, holding several managerial positions. Currently, he is responsible for Petrobras’ decommissioning projects and is pursuing a master’s degree in public administration at FGV.
José is a Climate and Blue Finance Consultant within the Financial Institutions Group at International Finance Corporation (IFC). Since he joined, he co-authored the “Bonds to Finance the Sustainable Blue Economy: A Practitioner’s Guide”, developed by 5 leading international organizations including ICMA (International Capital Market Association). He has also been supporting the creation of a Blue Bond Fund, a partnership between IFC and TRP (T. Rowe Price) to enhance financial access for ocean and clean water-friendly projects in emerging markets. Prior to IFC, he worked in Sustainable Finance Markets at BNP Paribas, managing the Green Bond Program and sustainability linked transactions. He was also a Blue Economy Expert. He holds a Post-Graduation in Sea Science and Business Management (UCP), an MSc in International Business (Maastricht University), an MSc in Management Science (ISEG), and a BSc in Management (ISEG).
Ping is the Decommissioning Manager at IOGP since March 2021. In her current role, she manages the activities of the IOGP global decommissioning committee and represents IOGP at various regulatory forums. Originally from Brunei, Ping is a project manager with 15years career with Shell prior to IOGP and has experience leading studies and execution of major greenfield, brownfield and decommissioning projects in Brunei and New Zealand.

Environmental Manager at Lisnave

Decommissioning Manager at Petrobras

CEO and Sustainability Consultant at Enviro MGT

Managing Partner at Marine Steel
Claudia holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. From 1996 to 1998, she served as an environmental specialist in renowned consultancy and insurance companies, until her journey led to Lisnave – Estaleiros Navais SA, where she has played a pivotal role in shaping the company’s environmental policy. Currently, she is the Environmental Manager of Lisnave. She has diverse responsibilities, including overseeing licensing, managing activity reports on environmental aspects, conducting internal audits, leading the Environmental Management System (EMS), providing environmental training, and collaborating with the Innovation and Development team on pioneering projects.
Edson Valverde holds a bachelor and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from São Paulo State University (Unesp). He joined Petrobras in 2011, working on topside facilities engineering and on offshore production platforms decommissioning. Since 2020, he is the coordinator of decommissioning projects. Edson is married to Suzane and father of Mariana, a beautiful and charming 4-years-old girl.
Sara has nearly 20 years of experience working with sustainability, shipping and transportation. She has worked as CEO and project manager at Clean Shipping Index and was a researcher and project manager at IVL the Swedish Environmental Research Institute. Currently she runs a sustainability consulting firm, assisting companies with their sustainability strategies, climate transition plans and educational activities
Hugo holds a Master in Engineering (ULB), an MBA (INSEAD) and a Certificate in Corporate venture and Innovation (INSEAD). He was the CEO of Euronav from 2019 until 2023, the leading crude oil tanker shipping company that he joined in 2004 and where he held various positions including CFO between 2008 and 2019. He started his career with Mustad Intl Group, where he worked as a Project Manager on various assignment in the U.S., EU and LatAm. He founded First Tuesday in America, the world’s largest meeting place for high tech entrepreneurs, venture capitalists & companies. He then joined Davos Financial Corp. London, an external fund manager of UBS Group where he became an Associate and later a Vice President. His current positions are: Managing Partner at Marine Steel. Member of the board of D’Ieteren Group, Victrix and EBE shipping. Member of the advisory committee of Together in Safety and the Great Whale Conservancy.

Coordinator at Istanbul Policy Center (IPC)

Technical Advisor at EuRIC

Consultant at Green Marine Europe

Head, Business Development & External Affairs at LEYAL Ship Recycling Group
Dursun Baş works as a coordinator at the Istanbul Policy Center (IPC), a pivotal institution developing analytical climate policy assessments in Turkey. Within IPC, Dursun Baş leads significant initiatives, including the “Decarbonization of the Turkish Steel Sector Project” (2022-present) and the “Promoting the Just Transition in Turkey Project” (2023-present). Educated in Biological Sciences and Environmental Engineering at METU, Dursun furthered his studies with a master’s degree in Earth System Sciences. His expertise in technical consultancy and project management has been refined through roles at the Regional Environmental Center (REC) and the Nature Conservation Center (DKM). His scope of work spans international and national environmental management, nature conservation, and climate policy. He has significantly contributed to numerous publications and reports addressing the European Union (EU) Environmental and Climate Acquis.
Veronica joined EuRIC in capacity of Technical Advisor in August 2024, leading the work of the association’s ferrous and nonferrous metal branches. She holds a Master’s in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility, and a Bachelor’s in International Relations and European Institutions. Prior to joining EuRIC, Veronica gained experience in European environmental and sustainability policy by working as Environmental Manager for the Confederation of the European Paper Industries, as Sustainability and Chemicals Consultant and for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)’s liaisons office in Brussels.
Romain joined the Green Marine Europe team in November 2021 and assists the Surfrider Foundation Europe to develop the Green Marine Europe environmental certification program. Prior to joining Green Marine Europe, Romain worked for 15 years for the classification society Bureau Veritas in France, the West Indies and then in Canada. He took on different roles within the group: naval Surveyor, Auditor, new construction Manager and then Country Chief Executive for Bureau Veritas Marine (Canada) Inc. Romain is currently participating with Green Marine Europe to a Horizon Europe project called “Circles of Life”. The objective is to enhance material circularity and to lower emission of shipbuilding process in all phases of the life cycle.
Dimitris is a qualified mechanical engineer and has been leading the Business Development & External Affairs division of LEYAL since 2004, having overseen the recycling of more than 500 vessels, including projects with Oil Majors, European Governments & Navies, as well as most major shipping companies. During his tenure at LEYAL, he was involved in the first application of the Basel Convention for the export of a vessel from Europe for recycling and also has seen the company become the first Turkish ship recycling facility to be certified to the IMO Hong Kong Convention by Lloyds Register. More recently, the LEYAL Group facilities became the first non-European ship recycling facilities to join the EU List of approved facilities under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation in 2018. Dimitris has served as the ship recycling industrial advisor to the national delegation of Turkey to the IMO, participating in the drafting of the IMO Hong Kong Convention and the associated Technical Guidelines between 2004 and 2012, as well as attending the Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the IMO Hong Kong Convention in 2009. He also servered as a member of the BIMCO subcommittee responsible for the drafting of the standard ship recycling contract RECYCLECON, published in 2012. He is a founding member of the International Ship Recycling Association (ISRA), an international association of premier green recycling facilities based in the Hague, The Netherlands.

Network Manager at EurA AG and ShipRec

Research Scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) – Institute of Networked Energy Systems

Project Officer at European Commission – Joint Research Centre

Project Manager ESG & Digital at Damen Shipyards Group
Daniela is working for the EurA AG as network manager. EurA is an international consulting company for innovation and technology with the focus on enabling technical innovations. Daniela is a researcher coming from Biology. She did her PhD at the Max Planck Institute für molecular Genetics (Berlin). Her research interests cover automatization, new technologies and sustainability in all areas of life. In her current role, she manages the activities as the network manager of the innovation network “ShipRec” ship recycling in Germany.
After completing her B.Sc. in Biotechnology, Mareike studied for her M.A. Culture of the Techno-scientific World at the TU Braunschweig. Since 2019, she has been a research scientist at the DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems in the Energy Systems Analysis department, focusing on socio-ecological sustainability assessments. She is aspiring her Ph.D. in Social Sciences at the University of Bremen. In the EcoCab project (funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action), she was responsible for the maritime-specific socio-ecological assessment of innovative cabin technologies and materials. In the follow-up project ReCab, she is focusing on the analysis and integration of stakeholder interests as well as the joint development of after-use concepts and recycling strategies of ship cabins.
Georgios is Project Officer at the European Commission’s Joint Research Center within the Unit Circular Economy and Sustainable Industry. He is a member of the review team of several BREFs (Best Available Techniques Reference documents), including the ones on Smitheries and Foundries Industries and on Ferrous Metals Processing. Georgios is also a member of the team for the setting up and operation of INCITE (EU INNOVATION CENTRE FOR INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION AND EMISSIONS). He previously worked as environmental inspector for the Greek Ministry for Environment and Energy.
Dewi is the Project Manager ESG & Digital at the Damen Shipyards Group. She has been working for Damen since 2017, with her background in Strategic Product Design and Communication Design for Innovation at Delft University of Technology. She focusses accelerating the transition of the shipbuilding industry towards a circular economy by creating awareness on the topic and developing methodologies to include life cycle thinking in the design of a vessel.

The Greens’ Spokesperson at Bremen Parliament

Environmental Consultant and Strategist

Founder & CEO at The Ocean Opportunity Lab (TOOL)

Program Manager at Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative (SRTI)
Emanuel Herold is an elected member of the Bremen Parliament since 2023. He is spokesperson of the Green group on economic policy, ports and shipping policy as well as European affairs. He also is spokesperson of the Committee of European and International affairs of the Bremen Parliament. Prior, he has been working as a staff member of the Green group. His political work is particularly focused on the decarbonisation of industries, circular economy, sustainable shipping, and energy transition.
Paul is an international campaigner with over 25 years at the forefront of advocacy and campaigning on environmental and peace issues in different countries. He is a marine biologist with degrees from Newcastle University and Portsmouth Polytechnic. Paul spent five years at sea on merchant ships. Then from 1989 he worked as a Greenpeace campaigner. In 1991 Paul led a Greenpeace expedition to the Persian Gulf assessing the environmental impacts of the ‘91 Gulf War. Subsequently he coordinated campaigns to challenge the oil industry as well as campaigning for the ‘solutions’ highlighted by the need to support the massive expansion of energy efficiency programmes and renewable energy technologies. Since 2013 Paul has worked as a freelance environmental consultant and strategist. Most recently Paul led a Greenpeace team in response to the threat posed by the FSO Safer, moored off the Yemeni coast in the Red Sea.
Birgit is the Founder & CEO for The Ocean Opportunity Lab (TOOL), a global ecosystem for innovators within ocean & renewable energy, which recently launched the world´s first interactive map and resource matching platform connecting innovators across startup and established industries. Chairperson of the Norwegian Association for Environmental Boats, zero emission mining company Kuniko Norway, and board member of TECO2030, Greenstat, Bellona Foundation and TheFactory – covering hydrogen infrastructure, sustainable finance and environment. She is also on the sustainability board of battery company Beyonder. She holds 17 years of experience from global leadership roles across the maritime sector. Birgit is former Director of Nor-Shipping, founder of YoungShip International, and former global project manager at Wilh. Wilhelmsen. She established the first global maritime entrepreneur award, and the first mentor program for women in maritime. In 2018 she interviewed President Barack Obama in Oslo, and she has been awarded a number of national and international prizes for her leadership, including several years on the Top100 ranking of Influential female leaders in global shipping.
Giulio is the Program Manager of the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative (SRTI). As a Project Manager with 14+ years of experience working for a range of global companies, he focuses his work on sustainability and stakeholder management. Giulio is also a licensed B Corp Certification consultant and the co-founder and board member of Creatives for Climate a non-profit organisation that brings together professionals to build a just and regenerative world.

Chairman at EuRIC Ship Recycling Working Group

CEO & Founder at DTM Marine Machinery Ltd

Scientific Director at Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)

Adjunct Professor at the Federal Fluminense University
Antonio, former managing director of DDR Vessels, a Spanish decontamination, dismantling and recycling company, is a renowned ship recycling expert. Currently, he chairs EuRIC’s Ship Recycling Working Group (ESRG). The group includes founding members Galloo (FR), Smedegaarden (DK) and Fornaes (DK).
Ferdi is the founder and CEO of DTM Marine Machinery and Green Mac Ship Recycling And Technology. He has more than 20 years of experience in ship recycling, shipbuilding, ship equipment and machinery production. Green Mac develops high-tech autonomous ship recycling technologies. The company is currently opening its R&D center in the Netherlands and plans to build the world’s largest sustainable autonomous ship recycling yard in the Netherlands.
Raimund acts as Scientific Director of the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Bremen since January 2022. Till then he has been Chair in Sustainable Global Resources at University College London (UCL) and Director of the UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources. He holds a full professorial position at University of Bremen and an honorary professorship at University College London. His research interests cover sustainable resource governance, blue economy, circular economy, and the resource nexus. With more than 300 publications and an h-index of 49 (google scholar), he is also among the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists (‘Stanford List’).
Newton Narciso Pereira is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal Fluminense University, in the School of Industrial Engineering and Metallurgy, located in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is also the Coordinator of the Center for Sustainable Systems Studies – CESS/UFF. He has been involved in ship recycling projects, focusing on technology development utilising RFID to improve hazardous materials management.

Chief Sustainability & Communications Officer and Head of Special Projects at AF Offshore Decom

PhD Researcher at Tuscia University

President of the Board of Directors at NGO Shipbreaking Platform

Commercial Director at Sea2Cradle
Johannes has worked within the North Sea decommissioning industry since the start of his AF-Gruppen career in 2004, most recently working in the role of Chief Sustainability & Communications Officer and Head of Special Projects for AF Offshore Decom. During his career Johannes has been instrumental in the successful execution of several major EPRD projects working in a variety of roles including Offshore Construction Manager, Project Manager, Project Director and VP Commercial. Johannes has a Master of Science degree from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology and has attended INSEAD’s Management Acceleration Programme.
Francesco is currently pursuing a PhD in Management and Quantitative Methods at the University of Tuscia, where he is also a member of the research group for Circular Economy and Innovation in the Blue Economy and Mediterranean Economies. As part of his doctoral studies, his research focuses on industrial processes related to the end-of-life of ships and the associated service infrastructures, driven by the principles of the circular economy. Using advanced methodologies and a wide range of econometric tools, he aims to provide a pragmatic and scientifically valuable approach, with a particular emphasis on analysis at the macro, meso, and micro levels. Francesco has authored several scientific publications on ship recycling and has presented at various national and international conferences as a speaker.
Helen is a qualified navigation officer and has ten years of experience serving on ships as a maritime professional and in environmental research, advocacy and education tours. She successfully led the Greenpeace campaign on the European REACH chemicals legislation and has been working on the shipbreaking issue for more than a decade. Helen has a deep understanding of campaigning on environmental issues at both the international and the European level. She holds a M.Sc. in Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Science, Policy & Management from the University of New Hampshire and a ALM in Sustainability & Environmental Management from the Harvard Extension School. Helen is one of the five founding members of the Platform.
Bert is the commercial director of Sea2Cradle.Through his involvement in a large range of projects for various owners, finding and managing the best solution for responsible recycling of their end-of- life-assets, Bert has gained in-depth knowledge of all aspects of ship and offshore recycling.He holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology and has been working in the maritime and shipping sector since 1995.During over 20 years in container shipping he held various commercial positions for Nedlloyd, P&O Nedlloyd and Maersk in the Netherlands and abroad, after which he moved to inland container barging, developing solutions for zero-emission transportation, before joining Sea2Cradle in 2021.

R&D Director at Hidropar Motion Control Technology Center (HKTM)

Director Bahrain at Elegant Exit Company (EEC)

Chief Operations Officer at Leviathan GmbH

Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer at CARES
Evren is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul and R&D Director at HKTM, a robotics company specializing in motion control systems. HKTM is the coordinator of the EU-funded SHEREC project, which will introduce innovative robotics, data and AI systems to the ship recycling industry to set new standards for worker safety and environmental responsibility.
Satyajit Roy was born in India in 1992 to a Shipping Captain and a Lawyer. He has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Economics from Pennsylvania State University, USA. Since 2020, when he joined the Elegant Exit Company, he has been a key person involved in getting ASRY certified for all the Green Recycling standards. He has been involved in the downstream management of recyclables as well as the ethical disposal of Hazardous Wastes. He is currently the Director of the Elegant Exit Company Bahrain
Bryce Lawrence is a Kiwi living in Hamburg, Germany. He is the Operations Director at ship recycling company Leviathan. Bryce has previously worked for 14 years as an environmental and maritime safety regulator, at the same time he served 13 years in the Coastguard in roles such as a senior master of a rescue vessel and SAR operations manager. Prior to joining Leviathan, Bryce also worked in the oil and gas industry for six years with tasks involving conducting ESG Due Diligence and Risk Management for M&A Projects, new country entry projects, and capital raising projects that were based all around the world.
Ladin BSc MSc CSAP Cert NEBOSH ISG works at CARES, an international product certification body that focuses on the production, processing, supply and installation of steel products used in the construction industry. Ladin has studied engineering and proceeded to work as a research assistant on ironmaking and steelmaking. Passionate about steel, the move to private sector was natural fit. With encouragement from colleagues, Ladin has worked for steelmakers and joined CARES in 2009. He has contributed for the development of sustainability and responsible sourcing schemes and digital transformation of CARES internal and external processes to compliment his considerable experience. Ladin is a steering committee member of the Roundtable on the Responsible Recycling of Metals (RRRM), convener of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) TG 5.2 ‘Reinforcing Steel and Systems’, deputy convener of fib TG 7.5 ‘EPDs and Equivalent Performance of Concrete’ and member of Special Activity Group on Sustainability.

CEO at Applied New Technologies (ANT)

Lead for Sustainable Manufacturing and Circular Economy at Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)

Associate Professor at Rotterdam University of Applied Science

Executive Director & Founder at NGO Shipbreaking Platform
Till is the CEO of ANT Applied New Technologies AG, a company specialising in sustainable and mobile separation of high-tensile materials using a unique Waterjet Cutting technology (WAS), aimed at industrialising the ship recycling industry. Till brings over 10 years of experience in advising on profitability, operations, business development, and supply chain management, underscoring his expertise in driving strategic initiatives. His education is grounded in dual study programs at the Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany and the International School of Service Management in Germany and Ghaziabad, India, supplemented by practical experience.
Dr. Russell Hall is a mechanical engineer and metallurgist, with a history in heavy engineering that spans from the energy industry (O&G, nuclear) to steel making. He has worked as a researcher in the steel industry for Tata Steel, before becoming a senior researcher at Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG, part of the University of Warwick), where his work focused on steelmaking as well as steelmaking policy. Russell has worked on policy for clean steel making in the UK, showing how steel recycling can lead to a greener future for the industry and those it supports. He is now the lead for sustainable manufacturing and circular economy for WMG, leading research into energy efficiency, industrial electrification and material recycling.
Dr. ir. Frederik de Wit is currently associate professor of the Maritime Engineering department of Rotterdam University of Applied Science. He is also involved in the Maritime Innovation research group of Centre of Expertise HRTech (formerly Sustainable Port Cities). He has been teaching in higher education since 2012. Before that he obtained an MSc and a PhD in materials science and engineering from Delft University of Technology and has worked on coatings, adhesion and adhesive bonding in various industry projects. He has a keen interest in welding, robotics, automation and industrial manufacturing in general.
Ingvild has been the NGO Shipbreaking Platform’s spokesperson and represented the coalition in negotiations and advocacy work at the United Nations and European level since the inception of the organisation in 2005. She holds a MSc in Political Science from the University of Oslo with social anthropology and international law as minors. Prior to joining the Platform, Ingvild was part of ARENA, a leading research program on European policies, where she contributed to the CIDEL project and held courses in political theory for graduate students.